Live Magic


'Live Magic' (1986)

'Live Killers' or 'Live Magic'? Either or neither? I'll take both, whilst noting the impossibilities of perfectly capturing the Queen live experience. If 'Live Killers' was plagued by odd selection and duff sound, then 'Live Magic' sought to cut the longueurs and go straight to the exciting bits. As such, it distils the essence of Queen as a live band, coming over as an expanded 'Live Aid' (1985) at three times the length. It's not a perfect representation of the Queen concert, but had it been so, then critics would have complained about the excesses. 'Live Magic' is a decent document for both Queen fans and non-fans alike. It was recorded in decent sound (and much better sound than 'Live Killers') at various concerts during The Magic Tour. Released on 1 December 1986, it made for a nice Christmas present for yours truly, just as 'Live Killers' had been in 1979. Two very different live albums. I would say that Queen fans would love both albums, but casual and non-Queen fans would take 'Magic' over 'Killers' as a Queen condensed to essentials. The album blends the old and the new Queen perfectly. This is the band that knocked 'em dead at Live Aid in all their pomp and glory.

Live Magic (1986)

"One Vision" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August 1986)

"Tie Your Mother Down" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August 1986)

"Seven Seas of Rhye" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"A Kind of Magic" (Népstadion, Budapest, Hungary; 27 July; 1986)

"Under Pressure" (Népstadion, Budapest, Hungary; 27 July; 1986)

"Another One Bites the Dust" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"I Want to Break Free" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"Is This the World We Created...?" (Wembley Stadium, London, England; 11 July; 1986)

"Bohemian Rhapsody" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"Hammer to Fall" (Wembley Stadium, London, England; 12 July; 1986)

"Radio Ga Ga" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"We Will Rock You" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"Friends Will Be Friends" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"We Are the Champions" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

"God Save the Queen" (Knebworth Park, Stevenage, England; 9 August; 1986)

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